At Water’s Edge
Platform: Maya Lin, Parrish Art Museum, Water Mill, NY
July 4 – October 13, 2014
Photography: Gary Mamay, courtesy Parrish Art Museum
Pin River—Sandy was a massive geographical installation depicting the boundaries of Hurricane Sandy’s floodplain, composed of thousands of straight pins. I wanted to focus attention on water/land and works that gave people a sense of where they were. The new recycled silver work Bay, Pond, & Harbor depicting Accabonac Harbor, Georgica Pond, and Mecox Bay—related to the location of the museum on Long Island’s East End, was installed on the wall opposite Pin River—Sandy. Three marble sculptures, Arctic Circle, Latitude New York City, and Equator, representing the topographies at each of these positions on the globe, were installed in concentric rings on the museum’s floor, creating the new work Around the World x3.